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Aos 53 anos, top dos anos 90 Paulina Porizkova ostenta corpão só de fio-dental

Redação RedeTV!

(Foto: reprodução/Instagram)

Paulina Porizkova, uma das tops mais famosas dos anos 1990, surpreendeu nesta quinta-feira (31) ao mostrar o corpão só de fio-dental, no auge dos 53 anos. 

A supermodelo tcheca compartilhou em seu perfil no Instagram alguns trechos do ensaio fotográfico para a Sports Ilustrated Swimsuit, edição especial da revista Sports Illustrated.

Na legenda em inglês, ela elogia o trabalho de fotógrafos e maquiadores que sabem os truques corretos para realçar a beleza de uma modelo, mas salientou que o melhor é a beleza natural: "Você é apenas a melhor versão de si mesma", escreveu. 

Paulina Porizkova é casada com o músico e produtor musical Richard T. Otcasek, com quem tem dois filhos. 

Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.

I hope we all understand that a photoshoot is in part a magic trick. You have been made up by the best people in the business; had hair added and blown and sprayed and makeup expertly applied so it looks perfectly natural and you are just the best version of yourself. You have tried on a hundred bathing suits and bikinis, and only the most flattering have been selected.A great photographer will know exactly where to put you for the best light, and make you feel confident by telling you how beautiful you are - on repeat. Your body shines with a fake tan and bronzers. And then you can shoot endless frames to only capture one single moment on camera. And that perfect moment will be taken to an artist who will make sure any tiny flaws are erased. None of us look like we do in photos - in real life. (for photos of what I look like with no make up and no magic, check out the fitting photos.)Here are the magicians responsible: @mj_day the brain of the project, and selector of the most flattering suits, @yutsai88 the eyes of the project, a photographer of incredible charm and charisma besides being a master of light, @tracymurphymua spectacular effects master, making me look perfectly natural but so much better, @jrugg8 for that amazing head of hair and a spectacularly bad photo of the two of us 😜. #sexydoesnothaveanexpirationdate

Uma publicação compartilhada por Paulina Porizkova (@paulinaporizkov) em

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