02/02/2016 18:47:00 - Atualizado em 02/02/2016 18:52:00

Policial faz companhia para garotinha em tribunal e ambos acabam pegando no sono

Redação RedeTV!

Um policial do estado de Utah, nos Estados Unidos, se tornou um 'astro' da internet após se flagrado cochilando ao lado de uma garotinha enquanto o pai da criança era ouvido por um juiz no tribunal da cidade de Orem.

Na filmagem, é possível ver o policial Kevin Norris ao lado da garotinha, aguardando seu momento para testemunhar. Enquanto tomava conta da pequena, ambos acabam 'pegando no sono'.

Os jornas locais informaram que o pai da menina não tinha com quem deixá-la em casa, e acabou tendo que levá-la no tribunal. Kevin - que também é pai - se voluntariou para cuidar da criança enquanto o pai testemunhava. O vídeo já está chegando aos 13 mil compartilhamentos e quase 1,6 milhão de visualizações no Facebook. Confira:

Last week, Officer Norris was waiting to testify in a hearing when he saw a very rambunctious two year old waiting with her father (Who also had a court case) in the lobby. The father had a court case scheduled and was unable to leave the little girl at home. When it was time for his case to be heard he tried to take his daughter into court with him. However, kids are not allowed in the court room for various reasons and the girls father didn't know what to do.......That was until Officer Norris offered to babysit for the man. You'll see from the court surveillance video that the little girl took to Officer Norris as he walked her around, getting drinks of water and treats from the Deputies at the front door. He pulled up some cartoons on his cell phone and the little girl climbed up onto his lap and she must've been worn out from all running around she had done because she quickly fell asleep on Officer Norris' lap.You can tell that Officer Norris is a father first and police officer second!

Publicado por Orem Police Department em Segunda, 1 de fevereiro de 2016

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