09/11/2015 14:39:00 - Atualizado em 23/12/2015 15:32:00

Cão ajuda menina com síndrome rara a aprender a andar


Caminhando juntos pela escola (Foto: Reprodução/ABC News)

Bella Burton, de 11 anos, nasceu com a síndrome de Morquio - uma rara condição genética que afeta o desenvolvimento ósseo e limita a mobilidade - e, para se locomover sozinha, precisava utilizar muletas ou cadeira de rodas.

Este cenário, no entanto, mudou depois que Bella começou a conviver com George, um cão da raça Great Dane, que virou seu melhor amigo. "Já tive cadeiras de rodas, andadores, muletas canadenses, muletas regulares e, depois, George. Deixei de lado minhas muletas e comecei a usá-lo", conta Bella à ABC News.

Para andar, a menina se apoia em George que, paciente, aguarda Bella dar seus passos antes de avançar. Ao jornal "Home News Here", a mãe Rachel Burton contou que os dois não desgrudam. "Eles têm um vínculo inseparável. Ele a ajudou a ganhar confiança, independência e felicidade", afirma Rachel.

A família criou uma página no Facebook para contar a história de Bella e George. Em vídeos e fotos, publicados na rede social, a menina e o cachorro aparecem sempre juntos - subindo escadas, caminhando, brincando na neve e até dormindo. 


(Fotos: Reprodução/Facebook/Bella and George)

(Foto: Reprodução/Facebook/Bella and George)

Praticando como subir escadas:

Working on the stairs on our way to infusion. George wasn't to sure about musical stairs.  But he did it!

Posted by Bella and George on Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Guess it's a 2 video kinda day. Today is Bella and George's 6 month anniversary!  I can't believe that they have been together, growing and bonding full time for 6 months. They have had so many adventures with many more to come. Today Bella slept until 11:30!!!  She did stay awake until midnight with her friend at the movie night last night but I never expected her to sleep that late. George woke at 8 peed, ate and was back in bed until Bella woke. I guess yesterday was exhausting for everyone. We drove down to Bass Pro Shops in Foxboro (about a 1 hr drive) just to stay cool. I took this video of them walking. There were so many other dogs there today and George would look but keep walking. At one point Bella had George in a down stay while she was looking at the fish in the little pool and a woman with a large dog walks by. The dog lunges, barks and growls at George and he didn't even move!  Bella gave him lots of love and pats telling him he was a good boy after that. It was high 90's out today. Poor George barely even wanted to go outside to pee. He would go out immediately start panting, pee, come inside have a drink then lay on the cool floor. Guess he doesn't really like the heat. I don't blame him. Bella asked if she could just wear a wet bathing suit all day because then she would stay cool. Smart idea but may not work while we are shopping and getting lunch. Another way these 2 are alike. Tomorrow Bella has a follow up for her knee. She seems to be doing great so I am sure he will be impressed with how well she is doing. Now the trick of the night is to get Bella to bed at a normal time. She says she's not tired at all but it's 9:30!  She needs to go to bed because Mama is tired after a long day yesterday. But having wild boar for dinner, friends, family, games and movies to midnight is enough to exhaust anyone. But it was so worth it and we all had so much fun. Have a great night. Love Bella and George

Posted by Bella and George on Sunday, July 19, 2015

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